Welcome to the #IASB79 Annual Convention online program, sponsored by Miron Construction Co.!
Get started today in 3 easy steps:
1) Log in—you should’ve received an invitation via email (if not, email us at convention@ia-sb.org) 2) Browse sessions, speakers and the schedule 3) Build your personal itinerary
Pro tip: Select a session and download handouts/presentation slides listed under the session speakers.
We’ve linked each session to the IASB Standards for Effective School Boards. Use the search function and type in any of the following keywords to find sessions related to the Standards: Visionary Team; Student Learning; District Culture; Policy/Legal; Fiscal Responsibility and Advocacy.
Connect with IASB on X, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Instagram.
According to Iowa Code, public money may only be spent for pubic purpose. This can be challenging for districts since 'public purpose' has a flexible and expansive scope. In this session, join experts from the Iowa Department of Education who will help you identify allowable uses of the student activity fund revenues, determine allowable sources to pay for student activity programming, understand the board's authority to locally define public purpose, and contrast the application of public purpose as defined through various public purpose policies.