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Thursday, November 21

9:30am CST

Fostering a Community of Learners—A Board's Journey to Live Out Their Mission
Thursday November 21, 2024 9:30am - 10:15am CST
How often do you revisit your district's mission? Marion Independent Schools set out on a journey to live out their mission “Foster a community of learners in developing the knowledge and skills to be Future Ready.” in everything they do. For all students to achieve at the highest level, Marion's board team recognized the importance of supporting learning, protecting time and resources for learning, and engaging as learners. In this session, learn how the board and superintendent fostered their role in the learning process by modeling their district’s mission for their students. Reflect on your current practice in leading learning, and take away actionable steps to foster a community of learners in your district!

Shari Funck

Board Member, Marion Schools
avatar for Janelle Brouwer

Janelle Brouwer

Superintendent, Marion Schools

Carl Lantermans

Board Member, Marion Schools
avatar for Diana Zrudsky

Diana Zrudsky

Board Member, Marion Schools

Jon Fitch

Board Member, Marion Schools
Thursday November 21, 2024 9:30am - 10:15am CST
Rooms 314–315, Level 3 Iowa Events Center

9:30am CST

Keeping Students at the Center of the Work
Thursday November 21, 2024 9:30am - 10:15am CST
In this session, Council Bluffs Community Schools will explore the critical role school boards play in keeping schools at the heart of our work, with a focused commitment to improving student achievement and outcomes. You'll discuss actionable strategies that align board decisions with educational priorities, ensuring that every policy and initiative supports the success of our students. Join the Council Bluffs governance team to learn how to strengthen your board’s impact by centering your work on the most important stakeholders—our students.

Vickie Murillo

Superintendent, Council Bluffs Schools

Mark Schuldt

Chief of Schools, Council Bluffs Schools

David Coziahr

Council Bluffs Schools, Board Member
Thursday November 21, 2024 9:30am - 10:15am CST
Rooms 304–305, Level 3 Iowa Events Center

11:00am CST

Leading Continuous Improvement—Raising the Bar on Student Success
Thursday November 21, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CST
Looking to raise the bar for your students? From supporting sustainable organizational systems to designing tools that support effective decision-making, school boards play an important role in leading continuous academic improvement. Hear from Ankeny Schools as they highlight key strategies and practices that the school board and district administration implemented to support continuous improvement opportunities and student performance outcomes. Attendees will learn about the importance of effective leadership in providing data, resources, and professional learning to inform effective decision-making. By the end of this session, participants will leave with practical ideas and actionable steps to strengthen core instruction in their own districts, ultimately leading to improved academic success for all students.

Katie Claeys

Board Member, Ankeny Schools
avatar for Joy Burk

Joy Burk

Board Member, Ankeny Schools

Erick Pruitt

Superintendent, Ankeny Schools
SuperintendentLeadershipFinanceBoard PolicyBestPracticesStrategic PlanningBoard Elections
Thursday November 21, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CST
Rooms 318–320, Level 3 Iowa Events Center

11:00am CST

Supports for All Students—One District's Approach to Therapeutic Classroom Services
Thursday November 21, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CST
Every student deserves access to safe and supportive learning environments, so what does this look like for students in your community? During this session, hear how Bettendorf Schools developed a Therapeutic Learning Classroom through community collaboration using the Multi-Tiered System of Supports framework (MTSS). With staff capacity of implementation in mind, the district created a community of educational leaders responsible for facilitating teams that support students with behavioral health concerns. By focusing on Tier Three Interventions, Bettendorf has increased staff members' capacity to reduce dysregulation and minimize classroom disruptions. By the end of this session, you'll have exclusive access to the tools Bettendorf used to develop their Therapeutic Learning Classroom to use as you envision what access to safe and supportive learning environments looks like in your community!
avatar for Michelle Morse

Michelle Morse

Superintendent, Bettendorf Schools
Dr. Michelle Morse currently serves as the Superintendent for the Bettendorf Community School District.  Dr. Morse began her career in public education twenty-nine years ago as a speech-language pathologist and classroom teacher.  She has served in a variety of administrative positions... Read More →
avatar for Karen Allison

Karen Allison

Executive Director of Student Services, Bettendorf Schools

Sarah Harris

Social Emotional Behavioral Health Coordinator, Bettendorf Schools

Alan Hartley

Middle School Principal, Bettendorf Schools
avatar for Jennifer Best

Jennifer Best

Extension Educator: Families, Youth & Community, Iowa State University
Jennifer is a Lecturer and Department Coordinator in the Department of Psychology at St. Ambrose University. Jennifer has a Bachelor’s Degree in psychology from the University of Northern Iowa, and a Master’s of Science Degree in Education from Western Illinois University. Her... Read More →

Linda Smithson

Board Member, Bettendorf Schools
Thursday November 21, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CST
Room 104, Level 1 Iowa Events Center

2:00pm CST

A Districtwide Approach to Behavior Prevention & Response
Thursday November 21, 2024 2:00pm - 2:45pm CST
Across the state, districts have seen a sharp rise in mental illness, diverse philosophies regarding behavior among staff and community, and inequitable disciplinary practices that make this work more important than ever. During the 2019–2020 school year, College Community Schools set out on a year-long project to develop a consistent response to challenging behavior across the district. The product of this work was a matrix that clearly defines behavior incident types, outlines both required and optional ways to respond to behavior incidents, and establishes a common language districtwide. College Community Schools will not only walk you through how they launched their districtwide behavior prevention and response plan, but will demonstrate how this matrix has made a positive impact on student behavior after five years!
avatar for Laura Medberry

Laura Medberry

Executive Director of Learning Supports PreK–12, College Community Schools
Laura Medberry serves College Community Schools (Cedar Rapids Prairie) as the Executive Director of Learning Supports. She is responsible for a variety of programs including ELL, school-based mental health, early childhood, community partnerships, and new principal coaching. Prior... Read More →

Doug Wheeler

Superintendent, College Community Schools
Thursday November 21, 2024 2:00pm - 2:45pm CST
Rooms 318–320, Level 3 Iowa Events Center

2:00pm CST

Measuring Success Attributes—Lifelong Learning Beyond the Test Score
Thursday November 21, 2024 2:00pm - 2:45pm CST
While measuring academic performance is the standard practice across all districts, Alburnett Schools is going beyond the test scores by identifying data-driven metrics for student success attributes. Tracking whether students are community-minded citizens, emotionally intelligent, effective communicators, lifelong learners, and student leaders eliminates reliance on intuition and provides a holistic picture of student achievement. In this session, learn what Alburnett has uncovered about the strong correlation between academic performance and attributes of student success that lead to greater success for all students, and gain insight on how you can support lifelong learners in your district!

Josh Henriksen

Middle School Principal, Alburnett Schools

Kristin Koppes

District Staff, Alburnett Schools

Casey Shoemaker

District Staff, Alburnett Schools

Ryan Gebel

6th & 7th Grade Math Teacher, Alburnett Schools
Thursday November 21, 2024 2:00pm - 2:45pm CST
Room 104, Level 1 Iowa Events Center
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